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The Rouses Store

Charles Solomon Rouse immigrated to the country in 1886 and settled in West Newton. His first store was located at Main and Second and he was a partner with a man named Brody. He bought out Mr. Brody's share in 1901 and moved his business to 115 East Main Street. Charles did serve in the Spanish-American War around 1898. He had 4 sons, John, Phillip, Charles, and Edgar, and all four sons served in the military. He also had 2 daughters that died at a very young age. He lived on 5th Street with his wife Emma Mae Andy. After Charles's death in 1925 he handed the reins over to his son Phillip and he ran it until his death in 1969. The store was sold in 1970. The Rouse's served this town for almost 70 years

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File Size76.1k
Dimensions665 x 944
Linked toCharles Solamon Rouse, Sr

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